 | Finland International Airshow 16.-17.8.2014 Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2014-08-24 |
 | Photos from Finland International Airshow 16.-17.8.2014 at Malmi Airfield, Helsinki. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Kymin avoimet ovet 2.8.2014 Ilkka "LLv34_Illu" Hietsalo 2014-08-18 |
 | Photos from Kymin avoimet ovet / Kymi airfield "open doors" aviation day, 2.8.2014. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Jämi Fly In 2014 Ville "Cosmo" Ranki, Jari "Muto" Viitala, Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2014-08-10 |
 | Photos from Jämi Fly In 2014 airshow at Jämi, Finland, 19.-20.7.2014. Photos by Ville "Cosmo" Ranki and Jari "Muto" Viitala. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Lappeenranta International Airshow 2013 Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2014-01-05 |
 | Lappeenranta International Airshow 2013 - a June weekend in eastern Finland brought plenty of aerial activity over the beautiful Karelian city of Lappeenranta. See it yourself! See full article
 | HMS Belfast & Imperial War Museum - London, UK Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2009-01-13 |
 | Photo report from London UK: HMS Belfast naval museum & Imperial War Museum See full article
 | Royal Air Force Museum London, Hendon Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2009-01-13 |
 | Photo report from Photos from Royal Air Force Museum London @ Hendon. See full article
 | La Ferté Alais Airshow - France May 2008 Ismo Lahtinen & Jukka O. Kauppinen 2009-01-08 |
 | La Ferté Alais Airshow - France May 2008 - Meeting Aérien de la Ferté Alais.
Airshow at La Ferté Alais. Beautiful airshow at the small grass airfield south of Paris. Very recommended! See full article
 | Le Bourget Aviation & Space Museum Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2009-01-07 |
 | Photos from Le Bourget Aviation & Space Museum - Musée de l'Air et de l'Espace - at Paris, France. See full article
 | Model Expo 2008 -näyttely Ismo Lahtinen 2008-09-30 |
 | Kuvareportaasi Model Expo 2008 -näyttelystä. Lue koko artikkeli
 | BW-384 paljastustilaisuus - lennonjohtajat rakensivat Brewsterin muistomerkiksi Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2007-03-25 |
 | Nuoren polven lennonjohtajat paljastivat 22.3.2007 vanhemmille, sodankäyneille lennonjohtajille omistetun 1:5 mittakaavan mallilentokoneen. Pysyväksi muistomerkiksi tarkoitettu Brewster B-239 -hävittäjäkone on valmistettu hävittäjälentäjä ja lennonjohtaja Aarno Siron kesällä 1944 lentämän BW-384 "Valkoinen seiska" -koneen mukaan. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Kyösti Karhilan muistelmateoksen julkistustilaisuus / ilmailukirjalllisuuspäivät 2007 Matti Yrjölä 2007-03-12 |
 | Ilmailukirjallisuuspäivän yhteydessä julkistettiin Kyösti "Kössi" Karhilan päiväkirjamerkintöihin perustuva muistelmateos. Kuvia tapahtumasta Suomen Ilmailumuseolta 10.3.2007. Lue koko artikkeli
 | The Museum of Flight & Boeing's Future of Flight (Seattle, USA) Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2006-07-23 |
 | Photoreports from two aviation exhibits at Seattle, USA: Museum of Flight and Boeing's factory's Future of Flight gallery. Photos from a trip to Seattle, July 2006. Lue koko artikkeli
 | ILA 2006 air show, Berlin Sami "Waqs" Vaskuu 2006-07-05 |
 | Our reconnaissance squad visited the ILA 2006 airshow in Berlin, May 2006. This article includes photos from the air show, especially covering the beautiful Messerschmitts, with photos also from Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin and Luftwaffenmuseum Gatow. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Lentäjien juhannus - Midnight Sun Airshow 2006 Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel, Sami "Wasq" Vaskuu, Pentti "Buffalo" Kurkinen 2006-07-05 |
 | Photos from the annual Midnight Sun Airshow at Kauhava Air Force Base, Finland. The history of the Midnight Sun Airshow started 1945 when Finnish Air Force Training Air Wing’s (Lentosotakoulu) personnel organized first midsummer airshow, which gathered 6267 spectators. Training Air Wing’s instructors performed formation flying and all major Finnish Air Force types were flown, the tradition was born. This year there were visitors from Dutch Air Force, Polish Air Force and Royal Air Force, among others. See full article
 | Ilmailupäivä Vesivehmaalla Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2006-06-04 |
 | 19.5.2006 Vesivehmaan lentokentällä järjestettiin Kummit ilmassa -ilmailutapahtuma, jonka yhteydessä avattiin Päijät-Hämeen Ilmailumuseo.
Virtuaalilentäjät olivat myös paikalla esittelemässä omaa ilmailutonttiaan.
Kuvissa hieman yleistä härdelliä ja muutama kone. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Ripon esille Vesivehmaalla Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2006-05-14 |
 | Lahden Ilmasillan jo 1960-luvun alkupuolelta ylläpitämä museohalli Vesivehmaan historiallisella lentokentällä muuttuu vuonna 2006 aidoksi ilmailumuseoksi. Päijät-Hämeen Ilmailumuseon kunniaksi Ilmasilta on urakoinut museon upean, maailman ainoan Blackburn Ripon-koneen parissa ja tuo sen avajaisten yhteydessä suuren yleisön tutkittavaksi. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Midland Air Museum, Coventry Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2006-04-22 |
 | Photos from the British aviation museum Midland Air Museum near Birmingham, Coventry. See full article
 | Brewster BW-372 - Photos of the legendary bird Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2006-01-29 |
 | This page shows a walkaround of the Finnish World War II fighter plane, Brewster B-239 "BW-372" at its current location, the Pensacola museum.
Many thanks to Jerry Bates and Ville Pitkänen for the photos. See full article
 | Maanpuolustus 2005 -messut ja -videot Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2006-01-27 |
 | The Defence Fair 2005 took place at Tampere, Finland, in autumm 2005. Three veteran pilots, Erkki Pakarinen, Väinö Pokela and Kyösti Karhila, gave short presentations in the Finnish Air Force stand. Also present was Finnish Air Force Museum staff, with their glorious Hurricane Mk. I HC-452. Lue koko artikkeli
 | RIAT 2005 photo gallery Ismo Lahtinen 2006-01-10 |
 | Photos from the RIAT 2005 airshow, Britain July 2005. The massive collection of 327 photos offer large variety of both new and old flying machines that were present in the event. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Virtualpilots at Latvia (2005) Jukka O. Kauppinen AKA Grendel 2005-11-27 |
 | Cosmo, Grendel and OK visited Latvia in summer 2005, touring local museums, airfields and attractions. This article is a massive photo and video recollection of the aviation trip, showing for example Riga's old airfields, the Soviet Aviation Museum, Riga Motor Museum and other interesting places. Lue koko artikkeli
 | LIAS 2005 -lentonäytös Martti "Mangrove" Kujansuu 2005-10-21 |
 | Kuvareportaasi LIAS 2005 -lentonäytöksestä Lappeenrannasta, heinäkuu 2005. Lue koko artikkeli
 | The last Gloster Gauntlet "GT-400" still flies in the Finnish skies Jukka O. Kauppinen, photos Mikko Maliniemi. 2005-06-23 |
 | The last Gloster Gauntlet "GT-400" still flies in the Finnish skies. The last one of its kind, in the world, took off for another sortie in the new flying season of biplane fun, flown by the test pilot Jyrki Laukkanen. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Valokuvia Model Expoista ja Ilmailumuseon harrasteilmailupäiviltä Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2005-04-24 |
 | Valokuvia Model Expoista ja Ilmailumuseon harrasteilmailupäiviltä. Kooste vuosien 2001, 2002, 2003 ja 2004 harrasteilmailupäiviltä sekä vuosien 2004 ja 2005 Model Expo -tilaisuudesta. Kuvissa rc-koneita, muovimalleja, junaratoja ynnä kaikkea muuta kivaa. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Yöhävittäjä-ässät Suomeen Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2005-01-10 |
 | Ilmailumuseoyhdistyksen ulkomaisten sotalentäjäveteraanien vierailusarja jatkuu toukokuussa 2005 tuplajättipotilla. Yhdistyksen vieraiksi saapuu tällä kertaa kaksi saksalaista yöhävittäjälentäjää, Peter Spoden ja Klaus J Scheer, 27-29.5.2005 viikonlopuksi. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Eestin ilmavoimat 85 vuotta Göran Bruun 2004-09-25 |
 | Eestin ilmavoimat täyttää 85 vuotta. Sen kunniaksi paljastettiin 23.7.2004 muistomerkki kaatuneiden eestiläisten lentäjien muistoksi. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Sotahistoriallinen retki Tali-Ihantalaan 1-4.7.2004 BlauKreuz, Camouflage, Grendel, OK 2004-07-14 |
 | Neljä Virtuaalilentäjien jäsentä osallistui Lomalinjan järjestämälle sotahistorialliselle retkelle Karjalan kannakselle. Matkan päävierailukohde oli Tali-Ihantalan taistelun 60-vuotisjuhla 2.7.2004 Ihantalan kylässä, paikassa johon Puna-Armeijan hyökkäys pysäytettiin kesällä 1994. Sen ohella kiersimme Karjalan Kannasta laidalta laidalle. Pidimme matkan aikana matkapäiväkirjaa, johon kirjasimme ajatuksiamme ja vierailukohteita. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Wing Commander Robert "Bob" Foster in Finland June 2004 Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2004-06-06 |
 | Wing Commander Robert W. Foster, DFC, AE, visited Finland in June 2004 giving two lectures to the enthusiast Finns. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Virtuaalilentäjät ry - Malmin ilmailukerho ry toimintapäivä Jukka O. Kauppinen aka Grendel 2004-04-28 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät ry ja Malmin ilmailukerho ry järjestävät 22.5. lauantaina yhteisen toimintapäivän Malmin lentoasemalla. Päivän agenda on tutustua Malmin lentokenttään, sen toimintaan sekä esitellä molempien järjestävien yhdistysten toimintaa sekä toisilleen että muille uteliaille. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Virtuaalilentäjät Kiinan IL2-turnauksessa 2004-03-29 |
 | Kiinassa järjestetty kansainvälinen IL-2: Sturmovik - Forgotten Battles -turnaus on päättynyt. Virtuaalilentäjät ry:n sponsoroima Suomen joukkue kamppaili turnauksessa itsensä kahdeksannelle sijalle. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Ilmailukirjallisuuspäivä 2004 / Aviation literature day 2004 2004-03-28 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots ry oli mukana 27.3.2004 Suomen ilmailumuseolla järjestetyssä Ilmailukirjallisuuspäivä- tapahtumassa esittelemässä virtuaalilentämistä.
Our association participated the annual "Aviation literarture day" on 27.3.2004 at the Finnish Aviation Museum and displayed our virtual aviation hobby to the visitors. Lue koko artikkeli
 | Ilmapuolustuksen torjuntavoitto -44 / Victory of the aerial defences 1944 2004-02-08 |
 | These photos are from the "Victory of the aerial defences 1944" at the Finnish Aviation Museum. The exhibition tells the story of the Soviet strategic bombing offensive at the Finnish capital and other towns during February 1944. The greatest showpiece is the lone surviving Finnish Hurricane, HC-452. This plane was flown in the defence of the capital during 1943-44 See full article
 | Günther Rall, Luftwaffe ace in Finland June 2003 2003-06-19 |
 | The 275 victory ace, Günther Rall, visited Finland in June 2003 and gave lectures about his career during the war and post war years in newly born Luftwaffe and NATO. Mr. Rall was healthy and with mind sharp as a razorblade...
Pretty amazing for a 85 year old man that has had 3 fractures in his spine after a crashlanding! See full article
 | Mersut Suomessa 60 vuotta - Messerschmitt celebration 2003-06-14 |
 | 23.5.2003 a celebration was arranged to honor the 60 years anniversary of the arrival of Messerschmitt 109s to Finnish Air Force. The programme included speeches, close encounter with the Me 109 G-6 MT-452 and two special lectures by Finnish Me 109 pilots, Kyösti "Kössi" Karhila and Väinö Pokela.
A F-18 Hornet flyby and action filled demonstration by the Utti jaeger regiment and FiAF was nice show for the general public. See full article
 | IL-2 Forgotten Battles Event 2003-03-25 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots ry, association of Finnish WW2 online simulator pilots organized an event together with Ubi Soft Nordic to celebrate the publishing of the long awaited WW2 flight simulator IL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles.
The simulator featured, for the first time ever in an flight simulator, the Finnish front . Also the Pearl of the Skies, our longed Brewster B-239 fighter, made its debut on flight simulators. Not to mention the Finnish map, towns, other Finnish aircraft, campaigns and so on. See full article
 | Aviation Hobby Days 2002 2002-12-19 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots ry participated in October 2002 the Finnish Aviation Museum's Aviation Hobby Days (Ilmailuharrastepäivät).
The exhibition gathers annually several thousand people interested in aviation to the museum.
Our association was invited by the museum staff to participate, so we did some preparations and arrived with a hitsquad to demonstrate what online and simulator flying is about. See full article
 | Hallinportti Museum Trip 12.10.2002 2002-10-29 |
 | Hallinportti Aviation Museum was the destination for our Association's autumm trip.
Hallinportti is actually a technical museum, run by the Finnish Air Force Aviation Technology Association.
The museum is filled by great curiosity pieces, weapons, radio systems, photographs and so on - much more interesting little than you can ever imagine. And aircraft, too!
The level of participation in the trip was higher than we dared to anticipate. The Junkers Ju 52 from Tampere to Museum was crammed full of people.
Many more arrived from all over Finland.
In total we had 30 people from west, east, north, middle and south Finland - which was so great, as this museum was really worth the trouble.
See full article
 | OverDose TV-show 23.8.2002 2002-09-14 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots ry association took part in the OverDose games program, which was broadcast nationwide through MoonTV television channel.
The program featured World War II veteran pilots and virtual pilots fighting against each other in IL-2 simulator. See full article
 | Aviation hobby days at Finnish Aviation Museum 2001 2001-11-12 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots ry, association of Finnish online WW2 simulator pilots gathered in the final weekend of October 2001 to Finnish Aviation Museum to participate in the Aviation Hobby Days -happening.
The event gathered all kinds of people interested in aviation to the museum, from small shops bringing their catalogue for sale to aviators and families.
Our simulator association also decided to participate, so our members brought three computers and set up in the "Warplanes" exhibition room. See full article
 | Blenheim visit 19.10.2001 2001-11-01 |
 | Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots association arranged autumm trip to visit a very special place,
to see something very special. See full article
 | Jyväskylä International Airshow 2001 2001-06-20 |
 | Virtual pilots gathered together to the major airshow event of the year in Finland: Jyväskylä International Airshow 2001 (JIAS 2001).
People arrived from north and south to share a day of aircraft engines rumbling and fast things screaming through the skies. See full article
 | Virtual Pilots Easter Meeting 2001 2001-06-13 |
 | Easter of the year 2001 was an unforgettable experience for many Finnish virtual pilots from the WarBirds and Aces High community.
Virtuaalilentäjät - Virtual Pilots association arranged an easter meeting at the Finnish Aviation Museum and we had the honour of having three veteran pilots with us as well.
Especially fantastic was to listen to the lecture given by mr. Väinö Pokela, Brewster & Bf 109 ace, who told us about their squadron's days in eastern Karelia and in the front lines. See full article
 | Ice appearance on the Finnish television 2000-03-25 |
 | The Finnish television channel TV4 asked the VLeLv Icebreakers to join an all night net event program.
The 6 hour live program came out Friday 07-May-99 and it was a success! We and WarBirds had two big spots on the show... See full article